Fireworks & BBQ for Guy Fawkes - 3rd November 2023
Many thanks to pyromaniac Richard Dunn, chefs Geoff Dyke
and Jason Bennett, and maitre d' Tanya Tyreman
And a couple of video clips - click on the music logo to hear the bangs!
Hallowe'en - 28th October 2023
A fine Dinder tradition organised by Becky Gilbert
Tea for the ghouls ...
... followed by scary stories ...
... and then out into the dark streets of Dinder for Trick or Treat!
Barn Dance & Hog Roast - 28th January 2023
Another Dinder tradition was re-launched after all the Lockdowns
Guy Fawkes Fireworks and BBQ - 4th November 2022
Thanks to the generosity of the Dunn family, we were able to re-instate our annual Fireworks Party.
We assembled on the far side of the cricket pitch field, Keith Dunn let us use a corner of the next field for the fireworks, and Richard supplied two enormous braziers and the wood to burn in them. Fireworks were provided out of Village Hall funds, and we were even lucky with the weather. There was lots of well-informed star-gazing (is it Venus, is it the International Space Station?) as we walked back to the Village Hall for a generous barbecue cooked for us by Geoff Dyke, with venison burgers provided f.o.c. by Richard Dunn and mulled wine from Claire Dunn.
H.M. The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - 3rd June 2022
In 2022 we combined the annual Village Fete with our celebration of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee, across the long bank holiday weekend of 2nd - 5th June. This was a very inclusive celebration, so that we got to know the new faces who have moved to Dinder during the pandemic. The main events were:
Friday First Friday Bar as usual on the evening of Friday 3rd June, opening at 7.30pm
A Village Photograph including over 80 residents. Copies are still available from
Platinum Jubilee Lunch at the Village Hall on Saturday 4th June, coordinated by Becky Gilbert and Tanya Tyreman. A 'bring and share' lunch, with games and activities for children and bar open for the adults.
The Jubilee Concert on our big screen in the Hall on the Saturday evening.
Celebration Events in Wells were on Sunday 4th June, so there were no plans for anything specific in Dinder.